Need CSA configuration to work for two DOT numbers

3 votes

Can a program enhancement be requested, so that we can use the CSA for two different DOT numbers for two different companies under our current configuration?

We have two DOT numbers, one for CompanyName1 and one for CompanyName2.
Vehicle assets can occasionally transfer between the two companies, plus there’s the occasional need for a driver from one company to drive a vehicle from the other company.
Due to this, we configured Encompass for CompanyName1 to be the top tier with our two company levels and their divisions below this top tier.

Under the Encompass CSA section, our two DOT numbers are entered, but it will only let us assign both to the top tier, CompanyName1. Due to this, we can’t assign the other DOT to CompanyName2. Why assign manually in the CSA section at all if it can only to go to the top company tier?

Under consideration Suggested by: Saundra Alcorn Upvoted: 22 Mar, '22

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